Teensy PCB Ardumower (T-Mow)

Hi Sascha and Bernard, which drivers are installed ? So much changes, I don't know which programme I should use ? Thisone I already have or a newer version ... . I'm already on connecting things together since yesterday; not easy with my job; really busy in this time... .
Speed max PWM 180, min is default, did't see it in PfodApp?
Odo min is 40 and max 200

Yes, the China man is not so good with colours and circuit diagrams.

The driver in the post over my Video post.
Speed max PWM 180, min is default, did't see it in PfodApp?
Odo min is 40 and max 200
Sorry i am not clear.
Test with.
Speed max PWM 100
Speed ODO min=5
Speed ODO max=120

Do the motor calibration at the bottom of setting motor , so mower can know the ticks/sec and compute the max state duration.
After motor calibration check the max RPM value and adjust to your need.
But you can test it with the blue drivers first.
Have you also tested the MOW motor? Mine doesn't work with your cable assignment, the traction motors work well with your cable assignment, better than mine, much quieter.

You can used the last Software from Bernhards Github.

I will test it, but the Weather is not the best.
I have a few more attitude questions.
I think I have set the ticks per revolution quite accurately. But 1 wheel always turns about 20 turns more. I have no idea why, so at 1 revolution it has a slight offset, at 5 revolutions it is already clearly visible.
Driving straight ahead for 1 metre also fits quite well, but at 3 metres it only drives 2.80 metres.
Mathematically I have 7.95 ticks/cm (1136/3.1415*22=7.95), but that doesn't fit at all. When turning 180 degrees, it only turns 90 degrees. I have now increased this so that it also turns 180 and 360 degrees relatively accurately.
at 5 revolutions it is already clearly visible.
It's strange, i take a look on my MI-632
Speed ODO minimum =5 ????

Mathematically I have 7.95 ticks/cm (1136/3.1415*22=7.95), but t
Sorry again but Maybe it's not clear in my wiki i try to adjust it :

do by this way:

perimeter of wheel = 3.1415*22 cm = 69.113 cm (it's the distance for 1 revolution)
ticks/cm = 1136/69.113 = 16.43 ticks/cm

Test with this value and adjust until you have 3 ML in the test ODO

When turning 180 degrees, it only turns 90 degrees

When the ticks/rev and ticks/cm are OK you can adjust the distance between the 2 rear wheel

It's the last odometry setting : Wheel Base in cm

Measure and adjust until the test is OK.

Take a look at :
It's strange, i take a look on my MI-632
Speed ODO minimum =5 ????
No not Speed ODO, in Main Menu / Test ODO:
5 Turns Wheel FWD.

perimeter of wheel = 3.1415*22 cm = 69.113 cm (it's the distance for 1 revolution)
ticks/cm = 1136/69.113 = 16.43 ticks/cm
OK will test it.
It's strange, i take a look on my MI-632
Speed ODO minimum =5 ????
No not Speed ODO, in Main Menu / Test ODO:
5 Turns Wheel FWD.

Sorry again but it's not what i want to say :

I want that you test with a speed ODO minimum low (5) to have a correct braking at the end of the wheel rotation.

If speed odo minimum is set to 50 for example the motor don't brake a lot and take time to stop and go over the ticks end.
If speed odo adjust correctly (minimum possible to have motor rotate on grass) maybe 5 (i set it to 2 on my MI-632) , the motor brake slowly and stop at correct ticks end.

On the test ODO you need to see clearly the motor accelerate on 1/2 rev and brake on 1/2 rev

BUT it's normal that on 1136 ticks the test go over 10 or 20 ticks to stop correctly. ;)
Wie sieht es denn zur Zeit aus? Sind die aktuellen PCBs ausgereift oder stehen noch Änderungen an? Hat noch irgendjemand welche abzugeben oder plant jemand eine Bestellung?
Was brauche ich?
Power_PCB_v107 und Teensy_PCB_v1.01 und???
Gibt es eine Liste was man noch alles benötigt oder was man nicht auf den PCBs verbauen sollte?

Wie ist der aktuelle Stand? Bei Git steht dass Brushless nicht unterstützt wird?!?
Ich wollte gerne einen Matrix Mow 800 umbauen...
Ich arbeite gerade an einer neuen Version, dauert aber noch ein bisschen, ich muß noch ein paar Sachen testen. Eine Teileliste gibt es hier irgendwo. Kann ich nachher Mal gucken, wenn ich wieder zu Hause bin.
Ich hoffe du hast es nicht ganz so eilig?
Git dit que le brushless n’est pas pris en charge
Where did you see that ,maybe error 02.jpg03.jpg??

Here the VIKING MI632 BL rebuild using BL motor
Actualy working since 92 Hours .
Only issue is in big slope motor driver have trouble to reduce speed.


  • 01.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 12
@Bernard ??? Probably my fault... Too many things in my Head at the same time... ?!?

@Sascha - Ich habe Zeit! Nur möchte ich natürlich alles benötigte schonmal ranschaffen... Es kribbelt in meinen Fingern 🤷‍♂️ :D
Ich möchte nochmal klarstellen, dass du dann auch Beta Tester, der Platine bist :cool:
Es kann immer dazu kommen, dass sich kleine Fehler einschleichen oder etwas nicht so funktioniert, wie wir uns das gedacht haben.
Ein paar Kleinigkeiten fehlen mir noch (Dioden und evtl. der ein oder andere Widerstand). Das Gröbste ist jedoch vorhanden. Ich bin gespannt! Es geht hier nur um die Power Platine? Die andere muss ich separat fertigen lassen oder hat da noch wer was liegen?