TeensyMowerWebControl for esp32

I have to say that I'm lost if I read your thread... . Is there a change who has been done on my last downloaded programms or not ? Is this for an other optionned mower ?
I have to say that I'm lost if I read your thread... . Is there a change who has been done on my last downloaded programms or not ? Is this for an other optionned mower ?
Last Version 01.05.2022.
- azuritBer for PCB 1.3/1.4 on Due-CPU -> this is an older project.
- TeensyMower on TeensyBoard with Teensy4.1-CPU -> this is this project here.
(- TeensyMower on self made Board with Steppermotors is a special project by myself )
You don't have to be sorry :D
It's just that it's not really easy to know if the software as been changed. I really understand that it's a projekt in developpement.
I'm not really in love with github, that's why I could be lost.
Version 01.05.2022
Always fail to compile for DUE changing :

#define STANDARD true //choose normal code for one Perimetersensor
//#define FUERSTRUPRECHT true
#define DUE true //if you use DUE-CPU
//#define TEENSY true //if you use Teensy4.1-CPU
#define STANDARD true //if you are NOT Fürst Ruprecht
//#define FUERSTRUPRECHT true //if you are Fürst Ruprecht
Yep just loaded it onto the teensy and the webserver onto the ESP32, seems to be ok at first look.
I'm looking around a bit to see what possibilities there are to make it a bit nicer (Design).
Arduino OTA added


  • TeensyMowerWebControl_ESP32_02052022_1.zip
    300.5 KB · Views: 3
Yep just loaded it onto the teensy and the webserver onto the ESP32, seems to be ok at first look.
I'm looking around a bit to see what possibilities there are to make it a bit nicer (Design).
look at my deTHoMAsoWebControl

einfach auf dem PC die html-Dateien öffnen. Dann kann man durch die Menüs navigieren.
Es gibt unterschiedliche designs. Dazu nennt man z.B. design_dark.css um in design.css
Ich nutze sehr oft commands1 und commands2 beim mähen.


  • data.zip
    306.7 KB · Views: 3
Oh, I completely overlooked that one. I will test it, I am currently trying to convert to html5 responsive.
Yes, I'll try it out a bit, I have to read up on it again first. It's been a while.
I first have to see what's possible on the ESP.
But it may take a while until something sensible comes along.
@Fürst Ruprecht I need your help:

I have upload your last web control code to my git .
For a real mowing test i have added the RFID and mqtt parts, it's compile but not really work

The trouble is :

Main code send sentense for mqtt and to start sender for example.

These sentence are not manage by Pfod ,so they don't start with { and finish by }
mqtt use #RMSTA (# start sentense)
sender use #SENDER

void Robot::loop()  {
  stateTime = millis() - stateStartTime;
  int steer;

  if ((useMqtt) && (millis() > next_time_refresh_mqtt)) {
    next_time_refresh_mqtt = millis() + 3000;
    String line01 = "#RMSTA," + String(statusNames[statusCurr]) + "," + String(stateNames[stateCurr]) + "," + String(temperatureTeensy) + "," + String(batVoltage) + "," + String(loopsPerSec)  ;


case STATE_START_FROM_STATION: //when start in auto mode the mower first initialize the IMU and perimeter sender
      motorSpeedMaxPwm = motorInitialSpeedMaxPwm ;
      motorMowEnable = false; //mow motor start later when leave the perimeter wire
      nextTimeToDmpAutoCalibration = millis() + delayBetweenTwoDmpAutocalib * 1000; //set the next time for calib
      ShowMessageln("Start sender1");
      line01 = "#SENDER," + String(area1_ip) + ",A1";
      ShowMessageln("Stop sender2");
      line01 = "#SENDER," + String(area2_ip) + ",B0";
      ShowMessageln("Stop sender3");
      line01 = "#SENDER," + String(area3_ip) + ",B0";
      setBeeper(600, 40, 5, 500, 0 );
      MaxStateDuration = 6000; // 6 secondes beep and pause before rev

Unfortunatly i fail to find the location to manage them :
void parse_PFOD(String s) { don't show them
and HTML_Handle use String buf = Serial_ESP_to_PCB.readStringUntil('}');