PowerPCB 1.09


Staff member
Ich habe den Schaltplan der PowerPCB noch einmal überarbeitet, allerdings bin ich mir bei den IRF9540 MOSFET nicht sicher, da habe ich unterschiedliche Schaltpläne im Internet gefunden, das muss noch getestet werden.
Mir fehlen gerade Kabel um das auf dem Steckbrett nachzubauen, sind aber bestellt.
Aber vielleicht kann das ja mal jemand testen.

I have revised the circuit diagram of the PowerPCB again, but I am not sure about the IRF9540 MOSFET, I have found different circuit diagrams on the Internet, this still needs to be tested.
I don't have the cables to rebuild it on the breadboard, but they have been ordered.
But maybe someone can test it.



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Ich habe IRF5305 bestellt. Beim Durchlaßwiderstand gibt es aus meiner Sicht bessere Typen als den IRF9540N.
( Wenn bei Eve das Messer stecken bleibt, dann brennen die Transistoren durch. Transistorschaltung ohne aktive Stromregelung ist also nicht die optimale Lösung, wobei der 0,5 Ohm Shunt auch abgebrannt ist ).
Der IRF5305 sieht auf jeden Fall auch interessant aus. Baugröße ist ja gleich, den könnte man also einbauen.
Mir geht es aber vorrangig um die Schaltung, ob diese jetzt auch so funktioniert, wie sie soll.
Ich habe IRF5305 bestellt. Beim Durchlaßwiderstand gibt es aus meiner Sicht bessere Typen als den IRF9540N.
( Wenn bei Eve das Messer stecken bleibt, dann brennen die Transistoren durch. Transistorschaltung ohne aktive Stromregelung ist also nicht die optimale Lösung, wobei der 0,5 Ohm Shunt auch abgebrannt ist ).
Certainly not a big difference between the 2 mosfet, In all case do not forget the heat sink and use a correct software setting to stop motor before over current to avoid burn it .
@Sascha : Into PCB you can also replace fuse by Polyfuse to reduce the size of the PCB, a version with only 3 motors is also possible ,but kill the 4WD and robomow compatibility :
I have now replaced the fuse holders with Littelfuse resettable fuses and created space for the heat sink (link below).
The circuit itself has been changed according to the link in the first post.

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Ich habe den Schaltplan der PowerPCB noch einmal überarbeitet, allerdings bin ich mir bei den IRF9540 MOSFET nicht sicher, da habe ich unterschiedliche Schaltpläne im Internet gefunden, das muss noch getestet werden.
Sorry for the stupid question, but why are two i2C Busses required? Do they go to different controllers?
They are not necessary, they can also be placed on one I2C bus.
Just make sure that you change the I2C addresses of the INAS so that they all have different addresses.

16 Adressen sind möglich
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Hier die Adressen:

They are not necessary, they can also be placed on one I2C bus.
Just make sure that you change the I2C addresses of the INAS so that they all have different addresses.

16 Adressen sind möglich
YES and NO

NO on basic and simple solution : If you use the china INA226 PCB already build and connect it on powerPCB ,only 3 I2C adress are possible using the shunt on INA226 PCB, so 6 INA226 = 2 I2C line it was my choice .
Possibly YES if you make some change in the China INA226 PCB to have access to all the adress, but never tested.

YES if you build a new POWER PCB with only INA226 chip on it ,then you can go with your 16 adress , but need SMD soldering !!!!
Ich habe heute mal Zeit gehabt und die Power Funktion (High Side Switch) getestet, so wie er hier ist und es funktioniert:

Allerding schaltet er bei
den Switch ein?
Ich habe heute mal Zeit gehabt und die Power Funktion (High Side Switch) getestet, so wie er hier ist und es funktioniert:

Allerding schaltet er bei
den Switch ein?
Certainly You need to change the resistor value , we use 3.3V and not 5V at the 2n4401 INPUT
Actual circuit with BC547C work perfectly for me.
Yes, I used the BC547C as the circuit is on the PowerPCB.
I used an ESP32 for testing, somehow the PIN I used is inverted.
I also just wanted to test whether the circuit really works so that I don't end up with another rubbish circuit board.
So far it works now and I can get to work on the traces so that I can finish the PowerPCB.

What do you think about the INA3221 for the motors and an INA226 for the charge control?
Can that work?
Certainly INA3221 and 226 or 2 INA3221 are perfect for a standard mower.
INA3221 can reduce size of the PowerPCb and certainly work well, but need also to change the R100 resistor and take care about the 2 versions that you can find on the WEB.
Ok nice to know. Perhaps i will make a PowerPCB for this case.
Ulli can test his mower to see if he has any problems with it.
the new PowerPCBs have arrived.

However, I don't have time to test them at the moment due to personal commitments.

I would give away 3 PCBs free of charge for testing. The first 3 who contact me via PM will receive one.
Ok nice to know. Perhaps i will make a PowerPCB for this case.
Ulli can test his mower to see if he has any problems with it.
Hi sorry I just saw your post from Dec. last year 🙁
Yes in my mower i use the INA 3221 also a pink Version.
There are different Versions on the Market I ordered in 2021 2 of this one
and luckily they had already the 010 resistors on board. But in my RoπLawnMow I only have an Akku of 21V so it works perfect and 1 INA
Modul has 3 channels. perfect, Sascha your board covers the INA 226?
In my other Mower I have an 27.5V Akku but a different INA 226 and the other Mower is in the Moment not my preffered Development Mower.